Frequently asked questions

What happens during our sessions?

Counselling and coaching, unlike a chat with a helpful friend, are special conversations in which you are the sole focus and I bring my professional skills and experience to support you. You are given a confidential, private and non-judgemental place where you can talk freely about any difficulties that you are facing.

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, bereavement, a challenging life transition or have a specific goal, our sessions can provide an opportunity for you to understand the issues better and develop a way of moving forward in a way that makes sense to you.

I may suggest ‘homework’ outside sessions but there is no pressure to be or behave in a certain way.

How do I know if I could benefit from counselling or coaching?

Generally speaking, counselling is helpful for feelings of psychological distress or crises; such as depression, anxiety, traumatic memories, loneliness, relationship or family issues, any losses or abuses suffered in the past, or any other recurring issue that you are struggling to deal with.

Coaching is focused on helping you to identify and reach a specific goal in the future; to be your ‘best self’, when you are feeling reasonably emotionally robust.

That said there are overlaps and frameworks and approaches that can work well in both counselling and coaching and we will discuss the most suitable approach for you in our first meeting.

How do I find the right therapist?

I appreciate that it takes a lot of courage to make contact with someone, especially if you are feeling vulnerable. It can also be pretty overwhelming to decide who you should contact, there are a lot of therapists and coaches out there with many different orientations and qualifications!

I advise that you look at people who belong to professional organisations with codes of conduct, ethics frameworks and structures to support complaints and ensure that professional skills are kept up to date. My work is governed by membership of both the BACP and the BPS and I carry full insurance. My listings with these bodies can be checked online.

Beyond this it’s very important to feel understood and safe with whoever you work with, trust your gut on this. Research which looks at successful therapeutic outcomes finds trust in the practitioner as the primary success factor.

How long does each session last?

Sessions last 50 minutes. During the first appointment we will consider issues such as how we might work together, how long for and whether a coaching or counselling approach will be most helpful.

How often should I have sessions?

Whilst many of my clients attend weekly, preferring the continuity and regularity that that offers, there is no set expectation. Some of my clients' attend fortnightly or less, depending on their circumstances and how long we have been working together.

Part of our initial work together will involve discussion of your hopes and expectations for your therapy and how frequently we might meet in order for me to best support you.

Some clients come for a while then take a break and return when they face a new challenge. It's up to you and you are free to stop at any time.

How do I pay for sessions?

I accept payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer, or by Credit/Debit card.

What If I can’t make it to my appointment?

If you cannot make an appointment, let me know as soon as possible. Please note that I require 24 hours’ notice for cancellations, otherwise you will have to pay the full fee for a missed appointment.

I work both in-person in St Albans and with clients over Zoom, WhatsApp etc., allowing the flexibility to work from the comfort of your own home in the way that you prefer.

Whether you are struggling with depression, recently suffered a bereavement, need coaching to hold yourself accountable in reaching your goals, or just want to improve your emotional intelligence, I am here to provide the professional support you need. Get in touch to arrange your first session of counselling and coaching in St Albans or online.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling and coaching works, or to arrange an introductory chat. You can call or message me on 07767 625003 or email me below.

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